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Tuesday 16 February 2016

Why Learn Yoga in India

India, where yoga was invented, or rather, where he developed.  Thousands and thousands of years ago.  Although the official age of yoga is around 5,000 years, sages, sadhus, gurus - all that you will be - practiced Vedic art long before yoga is taught as a philosophy and as submitted in writing or via the extortionate price classes.  What were the Celts - later as the British, to be colonizers of India - doing the same time?  Of course, not exceeding them Anna Maya kosha (physical persons) and reach higher states of consciousness.

Coming to India to get your yoga teacher training certification (or just take a week or two for a yoga retreat) makes sense.  You learn from the source.  You will live and breathe yoga here.  You will see it in practice in everyday life, from Hindu rituals, the way Indians practice their religion and how these philosophic principles permeate their mind sets, and, consequently, their action.  You will not get any of it in the learning yoga course in London or New York subway carrying shudder through walls and unbridled energy of the external ready to meet and greet you after a deep Savasana.

The economic factor is a huge incentive to come to India.  Approx. $ 1,000 will get you all the training, accommodation and food (not to mention the family, love and home away from home) in India.  The same cost in the US or the UK would not even cover the course, not to mention the rent, food and everyday relationships.

More important than escaping the sound of traffic, but coming to India to avoid your ingrained habits, thinking, responsible, caring and tensions that come with your home territory.  It will also give you a nice respite from all the distractions that might make motivating yourself to get up at 6 am for asana practice that much harder.

Isolation of four to six weeks to yourself and your yoga practice will allow you to immerse yourself fully in the course without additional burdens errands and chores.  And believe me, within 6 weeks of twice daily asana practice, meditation and confront your inner self will unearth enough to keep you busy in contemplation.

Studying yoga in India is a great occasion to take time off work and explore one of the most exciting, happy, bright and welcoming countries in the world, the Earth.  It is a place of exciting change - in culture, not just GDP. Western influence in its major cities a glorious contrast to rural life out of them.India also has some of the most riotous religious festivals that involve fireworks, blowing up colossal statues and having paint fights.

Being abroad opens you up to new ways of thinking, perceiving and acting: exactly what yoga is trying to do.  One of the best places to study yoga in India, Rishikesh, where you can easily find a good teacher of yoga ashram or yoga school as Rishikesh.

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