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Sunday 14 February 2016

Hatha Yoga - What to Expect in Yoga Classes

Yoga is everywhere.  The ads from McDonalds to mattresses, people are shown striking a pose of yoga.  Television characters escaped yoga.  Friends and family of their own yoga mats and blocks, and video.  Local studios offer classes are offered in churches and schools.  So, it seems that everyone is doing yoga, but what exactly is it that they do?

Class Hatha Yoga, usually contain three elements: breathing, postures and relaxation.  Different types of yoga will offer these items in various quantities and different orders, but most are always the three will be present in the classroom.  Breathing, breathing and consciousness really use it with awareness, is one of the most physically and mentally beneficial aspects of yoga.  There are many different types of breathing exercises, some of which create calm and balance, others that create energy and heat.  These exercises may seem strange and even uncomfortable at first, but simply afford to try them, and you will come to enjoy them.

Yoga postures in almost endless variety.  There is a core of between 15-30 positions, which are most often carried out in the classroom.  These include sitting posture, standing poses, balancing poses, twists and inversions.  The poses can be arranged in various forms, depending on what the teacher in the classroom emphasis.  Different poses can open the hips, extend the hips, stretch the shoulders, to build strength, increase flexibility of the spine, and even change the mood.  Breathing will be more pronounced during postures, as well as in the coordination between the movements of the body and the inhalation and exhalation of breath.

End of class time for deep relaxation.  As you lie on your back on the mat, the teacher will begin by leading the students through some type of controlled relaxation for body and mind, moves to silence.  Firstly, you can go to sleep, as the body relaxes completely.  But as you continue to practice and your body and mind become accustomed to release, you will find relaxation and this time, but do not sleep induction.  When the cool-down period is complete, usually indicated by a bell or chimes, you will slowly sit back and go to the cross-legged position.  Traditionally, yoga class ends with the chanting of Om three times.  OM Sound has no meaning in itself, but it is the cosmic vibration.  This sounds similar to the sound Amen.

After classes, students feel incredibly calm and relaxed, and the body is feeling awake and comfortable.  Students report having very good night sleep on the day they took yoga, feel more patient, less in a hurry, and in a good mood.  If all this sounds like a tall order, investigate for yourself: Registration for the introduction of yoga course.Stick to yoga once a week for several months.  See for yourself what yoga can do for you.

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