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Monday 8 February 2016

Hatha Yoga for Long-Term Care

All forms of yoga reach far beyond the ashram, studio and fitness center.  Hatha Yoga and its many subtypes reached a large international audience.  Hatha can be physically challenging, restorative, relaxing, therapeutic, or, depending on the yoga teacher.  For this reason, it would be appropriate for each yoga teachers to continue their education, for the safety of students, in all spheres of life.

The practice of Hatha Yoga is a great way to help residents in long-term care for the elderly to maintain their physical and emotional health.  Yoga asanas (postures) helps to strengthen muscles and bones and increase joint mobility and overall spinal flexibility.

Yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) help to increase lung capacity and strengthen the heart muscle.  These breathing exercises also help fight stress and depression.  In addition, participation in a regular yoga practice connects the long-term care patients in the general sense of purpose and engagement in their communities - further increasing the sense of well-being.

The effect that the regular practice of yoga asanas is a man is amazing.  Asanas stretch and strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the body.  The physical practice of asanas also keeps joints mobile and flexible spine.  In addition, the posture can help to maintain bone density, a good sense of balance and coordination.

All these are very important aspects of maintaining the physical health of the patient in the long-term therapy.  Often, long-term care patients to spend long hours in bed, sitting in a chair, and sometimes even in a wheelchair.  Regular practice of yoga asanas helps residents maintain a level of comfort and mobility within the body.

techniques of pranayama, or breathing exercises of yoga, are another key element for the health and well-being of long-term patient care.  Often, these patients have a variety of cardiovascular health problems, depression, and stress.  Passive, rhythmic and slow breathing exercises can help calm their anxiety and depression by reducing cortisol levels.

Deep breathing exercises will also reduce problems with insomnia, experiencing many seniors.  Pranayama exercises also been clinically shown to help control diabetes and lower blood pressure.  Of course, these exercises also strengthen the heart and lungs.  A strong and healthy heart will go a long way in improving the health and longevity of many long-term patients.

The vigorous and regular practice of yoga will also help maintain long-term residents in maintaining a good level of activity, maintaining communication through social interaction with other people.  Study after study has documented the absolute importance of staying active and engaged in their community, in order to reflect the isolation and depression.

Long-term patients live happier and more quality-filled life if they remain active.  Yoga is a very positive way to stay active.  Not only do senior citizens benefit from the positive effects of a regular yoga practice, they will also benefit from a sense of interconnectedness with their community, and a sense of purpose in participating in yoga series.

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