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Monday 8 February 2016

Hatha Yoga is Right for You?

With so many styles and types of yoga out there, you are ready to really have to do some of your research first, even before you start exercising driving test.  Some of the definitions of styles and types confusing in itself.  This is a simplified definition of hatha yoga.  Keep in mind that the teachers personal style and level of training play a role in their classes too.

Hatha Yoga "Yoga for Health".  The word Hatha is derived from a combination of two Sanskrit (the original language of yoga) the terms "HA" means the sun and "the" means moon.  Yoga means joining two things together, therefore, hatha yoga is to unite the sun (ha, masculine, active) energy from the moon (Ta, feminine, receptive) energy, creating balance and strength.  Some pose more masculine and some are more feminine, and the instructor combines these poses as necessary participants.

Hatha yoga is usually practiced in the western world, consisting mainly of poses, emphasizing the physical aspect of yoga.  But in general, the class does includes some other basic elements, such as breathing exercises, the center of the chakras (energy) work, hand positions (mudra), and meditation, even if you do not know it.  This applies to the general population or specific groups, such as children, fertility, aging, pre-natal or post-natal depression, and plus-size customers.

Using linked poses that warm up the body to build strength, flexibility, and then cool the body down, we get a complete mind and body workout.  Yoga uses your own body weight for resistance and not a competition.  There are alternatives that you can customize each pose for every age, abilities, and level of comfort.  Props can be used if the object is available to them, but they are not necessary.  Make sure that the teacher knows of any existing damage or problems, so he or she can help you respectively.

There are almost endless options posture and a combination of poses.  There are some positions and poses some series (e.g., Sun greeting) to be repeated every class, but there are enough postures that new ones can be administered at all times.

 Each teacher really has his own style, so do not forget to try out a number of teachers in each style that you are trying.

The benefits are endless, but some examples are: renews, invigorates, heals, stretches, strengthens, increases lung capacity, promotes balance, alignment, circulation, stress management, the ability to reduce problems such as back pain & constipation, raises energy levels, muscle tone, It increases metabolism, aids digestion, increases body awareness and much, much more.

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