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Monday 8 February 2016

5 Easy Hatha Yoga Poses That can be Performed at Home

Hatha is composed of a variety of asanas or postures, breathing techniques and is recommended for beginners, doing yoga at home.

Here are 5 easy Hatha Yoga is you can learn:

1.   Lotus

One of the easiest postures of Hatha Yoga, this posture teaches awareness, meditation and patience.

How to do it:

Start in a seated position, legs stretched out in front of you.  Slowly bend your right leg and bring your leg closer to the left groin.  Then bend the left leg and slide it gently on the top right.  Keep your feet perpendicular to the floor.  Bring your hands to prayer position at the chest, take a few deep breaths, then relax.

2.  Plow Pose

This pose stretches and strengthens both your back and leg muscles.  It's a good position to know, to help improve flexibility when performing yoga at home.

How to do it:

Start by lying on your back with arms at your sides.  Bend knees slowly, causing the foot closer to the buttocks.  Raise your heels toward the ceiling with your arms and back pressed to the floor, lower your legs over your head as close to the floor as you can.  Hold for 4-5 breaths before returning to its original position.

3.  Staff  Pose

This yoga Hatha represents portions of the rear legs, opens the chest and lengthen the spine.

How to do it:

Start this pose in a sitting position, legs stretched in front of you.  Put your hands on the thigh with your fingers pointing away from you.  With your back straight and your shoulders relaxed, slowly push the chest forward.  Pull the hands pull your fingers to yourself.  Hold this position for 3-6 breaths.

4.  Standing Forward Bend

Another easy pose to learn when doing yoga at home Standing Forward Bend.  This helps to stretch the legs, hips, and spine, keeping the knees bent.  It is also known to help improve circulation.

How to do it:

Stand with your feet apart to the width.  Pull the spine as you inhale and then lean forward as you exhale.  Put your hands in the front of each foot.  Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then inhale to return to starting position.

5.   Bridge Pose

Bridge pose helps to strengthen the back, buttocks, neck, spine and hips.  This is one of Hatha Yoga postures, which helps improve circulation.

How to do it:

Start by lying on your back with arms at your sides, knees bent.  Moving the heel as close to your buttocks as much as possible before lifting the hips up slowly.  Press down the blade and gently lift the chin.  Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

When you perform yoga at home, practicing these simple HathaYoga is, before moving on to more challenging poses.

1 comment:

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