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Sunday 7 February 2016

Roots of Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is the yoga that most people know simply as "yoga".  Practiced for emotional and physical health and well-being, Hatha yoga focuses on the purification of both mind and body in order to pave the way for the viability and integrity.

Hatha Yoga was introduced by a man named Yogi Swatmarama, yoga sage in the 15th and 16th century in India.  Known tranquility and peacefulness, Yogi Swatmarama is a name that is now synonymous with delight, the one who paved the way for the implementation of which enhances the mind, body and spirit.  He started with Hatha Yoga, Hatha Yoga Pradipika writing, Sanskrit, which was based on his own experience Swatmarama, as well as the words of older Sanskrit texts.  It details information about asana, bandha, kriya, shakti, pranayama, and several other areas.

The book is as me Hatha Yoga, rich shades of Hinduism.  Perhaps the oldest religion in the world, Hinduism is a religion based on acceptance, builds its foundation on a lot of text and scriptures.  It aims to teach people mystical truths, while guidance on how a person can grow to become morally, spiritually, and physically whole.  Hinduism also believes the concept of "Heaven on Earth", noting that it is possible to attain salvation in life, not just death.

Part of this salvation is achieved through a balance.  Because the word "Hatha" is derived from the Sanskrit word for the sun ( "Ha") and Moon ( "Tha") has the meaning of Hatha Yoga attaches the great concept of the balance of orientation only.  Type of yogis that balance between the two streams (IDA (mental) and (body) Pingala currents), Hatha Yoga uses Sushumna Nadi (current self) to open the different chakras (cosmic points within the body that are awaiting release).  Once this happens, it is able to calm the thoughts and still the mind occurs when consciousness remains.  This is called samadhi, and it is known as indicated bliss.

Hatha Yoga is based on the principle of integrity, moral discipline, and exercise.  This greatly focuses on the postures (asanas), techniques (pranayama) and meditation breathing.  Like the sun versus moon concept upon which is based the name, Hatha Yoga takes energies that are in opposition - light and dark, yin and yang, fire and ice - and uses them to find a balance between mind, body, spirit, and external life force.

A variety of breathing techniques, meditation, and creates all help to meet the person doing Hatha yoga on the path of enlightenment.  Among some of the most practiced poses bhundzhangasana, also known as Cobra; Eka Pada, also known as the one-legged king; Halasana, also known as the plow; padmasana, also known as the Lotus; and Simhasana, also known as Lion.

Hatha Yoga, as the word "yoga" itself heavily uses the concept of unity, the unity between man and nature, as well as unity within every human being: no unity between mind and body, it is difficult to achieve something.  Depending on the individual features of Hatha Yoga can be used to bring people with different things.  Some Hatha Yoga can be used to form a union with God, Himself, the true nature of those, or the Divine.  For others, Hatha Yoga can be used to combine them with the much-needed recovery from stress in their lives.  However, for others, Hatha Yoga can be used simply as a way to combine them with you.

Hatha Yoga, being around for hundreds of years, based on the principles that will never change, but just keep changing these ancient principles can be developed and applied to the 21st century.  In general, the roots of yoga teaches people to get what everyone is looking for: physical and emotional health, a clear mental mind state of affairs, and life is not motivated by concerns and simply a joy.

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