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Tuesday 16 February 2016

Hatha Yoga-Who Can do Yoga?

If it seems that everyone is trying yoga, they are.  The idea that yoga is only for the super-flexible young, dancers and gymnasts, Indian swami, or flower children of the 1960s, is mercifully fading.  People are finding that yoga is really for everyone.  Old and young, male and female, gym rats and couch potatoes are all finding benefits that include stress reduction, improved mobility and joint flexibility, increased strength, and a greater sense of calm, focus and being.  And there is a class that is the right fit for everyone to gather in the fruits.

When first starting out, if reasonably fit and able to get up and down from the floor, taking an introductory course or beginners yoga.  These courses introduce the breathing techniques, postures, and basic relaxation that are a part of all types of yoga.  A course like this usually last 6-8 weeks.  The course should be designed so that all body types and all levels of fitness can participate fully.  The changes and adjustments should be offered for positions that are difficult at first.  An experienced teacher who is able to explain clearly what, how and why the positions are important and ahead is a must.  The introductory class will give the student to begin an idea of what classes to take part in the next.

Most of the people who will then be able to continue to enter into an open class or all layers.  As the name suggests, this course is for all and proceed at a moderate level.  Some slightly more difficult positions can be offered with modifications.  One who finished an introductory course should feel comfortable on this course.  An advanced course level or higher, will contain even more postures and variations, more rounds of Sun Salutations-the flowing, aerobic series of postures, and inversions as Headstand, shoulder position, and vertical.

People with special health considerations: hip and knee replacements, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, balance problems, along with others, should consider a gentle yoga class.  This class will proceed at a very slow and relaxed pace, with an emphasis on sweet and breathing postures that do not aggravate existing physical conditions.  Students can use a chair or wall for extra support.  Chair Yoga has been developed so that those who simply can not get up and down from the floor can participate in yoga as well.  The majority of the positions have been adapted so that they can be performed for the same benefit from a sitting position.  More of this type of courses are offered every day.

Ask your friends, neighbors, as well as a doctor, if they can recommend a good class or teacher for you.  Use the internet, look for ads on bulletin boards, and the newspaper, and seek Community Training courses, local churches, and studies to find a match for you.  Start yourself on a healthier path today.

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