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Saturday 6 February 2016

Learning About Hatha Yoga

The mention of "Yoga", and most people will instantly receive the image of a man sitting on the floor cross-legged, eyes closed, hands in her lap with thumbs and forefingers touching, and repeating something like, "Ooohhhmmmm".  While this image is certainly true of this exercise, it is not only the image associated with yoga.  Yoga is much more than a pose.  This presupposes the existence of a deeper understanding of its purpose, in particular, that hatha yoga.

Hatha Yoga What?

India is the origin of this old exercise where it has been practiced for thousands of years.  "Yoga" literally means "union".  In fact, yoga combines all aspects of a person with the universe.  Some people mistakenly believe that yoga is a religion; this is not true.  It's just discipline, a form of meditation.

Change Hatha, for example, the simplest form of yoga.  It is actually a preparatory form of yoga, which should be carried out by an individual who wants to progress to more advanced yoga poses.  Think of hatha yoga as a kind of warm-up to the practice of yoga.

 Why does Yoga?

The ultimate goal of this exercise is to achieve the ideal of spiritualism.  Yoga addresses every aspect of the person, with an emphasis on maximizing the individual's development.  Yoga works by using every resource that is available to the person to help him to achieve spiritual growth.

Hatha Yoga as the main form prepares the mind and body.  Its main goal is to remove the interference, to make room for the Universe will bring the individual.

Poses in Hatha Yoga

If you have never done this kind of exercise before, you will be surprised how it can be a challenge to concentrate when you do Hatha yoga poses.  In the beginning, you'll find it hard to overcome the wandering mind.  It is hard to concentrate, and you'll often find yourself thinking of many things.

These difficulties can be overcome, however.  There are specific items that can help clear your mind and make room for more favorable towards spiritual growth.  Hatha postures, for example, focus on how you can master powerful yoga poses.  Five basic Hatha positions are the half-tortoise pose, snake pose, corpse pose, yoga poses, and self-massage.  These positions of Hatha work, clearing and empowerment of the various systems of your body, including the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

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