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Saturday 6 February 2016

Hatha Yoga: History and Benefits

Whenever someone generalizes the term "yoga", they tend to refer to Hatha Yoga.  Hatha yoga was found in the 15th century in India.  In fact, it is the most popular style of yoga all.  Also through hatha yoga that other styles of yoga developed.  These include Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga and Bikram Yoga.

 The word hatha is actually derived from the combination of two words in Sanskrit.  "Ha" refers to the sun and "tha" means moon.  Therefore, by combining the two words together, Hatha Yoga is the union of the positive and negative currents in the system.  On the basis of the eight limbs of yoga, it focuses on the third and fourth stages of asanas Prayanama.

The ultimate goal of Hatha Yoga is to achieve a balance between your body and mind.In addition, it also aims to make the spiritual elements of the mind through physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation.

By practicing yoga, you will be able to take advantage of all the three aspects of body, mind and spirit.  For the physical aspect of the part, you will learn to be more flexible, increase stamina and more muscle tone through physical postures.

As for the mental aspect, you will learn how to cope better when you are in a stressful situation through relaxation exercises.  These exercises will teach you how to better manage stress and allow the tension relief.  In the end, you'll have to deal with anxiety and depression without much difficulty.

Finally, meditation will bring spiritual benefits to you.  Through meditation, you will be able to focus and concentrate better.  Over time, you will be able to find enlightenment.

It also provides you with other health benefits through certain postures.  These poses can help alleviate your internal organs and create your immune system.  Since stronger immune system diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and hypertension can be prevented.  After a few breathing techniques, asthma and bronchitis can be controlled too.

These are the main reasons why Hatha yoga is popular in both Eastern and Western countries.  It really projects and gives the feeling that yoga really is.  In addition, hatha yoga is usually the preferred choice for beginners because it is one of the major styles of yoga.  After a beginner is able to understand the techniques and movements of Hatha Yoga, they usually have fewer difficulties in moving to other styles of yoga.

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